Expert Advice On Purchasing a Garden Hose Reel


It does not matter whether you have the best garden hose you can think of; you need a garden hose reel. When choosing one, you will need to consider different things, such as hose weight and length. There are many benefits of getting a garden hose reel. First, it improves the safety of the yard. Leaving the hose tangled around the garden can result in accidents. Secondly, you will not need to deal with tangling and kinking, as your 130 ft garden hose is stored properly. Finally, it makes it easy to detect leaks from your garden hose. That is because when the hose is stored, you can easily know whether it is leaking. These are some of the crucial factors to consider when choosing a reel for your garden hose.

Hose Length

This should to the most important thing you need to consider. For instance, if you have heavier and longer hoses, then you should get a heavy-duty reel. On the other hand, if the hose length is shorter, then a small wall-mount garden hose reel is the perfect option.


How long you can use your garden hose reel depends on different factors. The prevailing weather conditions in your area have an impact on the lifespan of your hose reel. Remember that your hose reel is likely to be kept outdoors. Therefore, getting the cheapest reel, you come around may not work for you. It is advisable to consider a reel that encloses your hose and protects it from harsh elements that are common during summer and winter. An open reel is suited for use inside garages and under sheds.


Maybe you want a hose reel that you can carry around. A portable garden hose reel is ideal for a large yard. You should get it if it is not feasible to have a fixed reel. Moreover, if you have shorter hoses and a larger garden, then go for portable models. The wall-mount or fixed garden hose reel is suitable for smaller gardens close to the water faucet.

Ease of Assembly

Usually, you will be required to assemble your garden hose reel before using it. Therefore, you should consider whether you have the skills and tools required to assemble the unit. If you are mounting the reel to the wall, you need to have a wall mount holder. Make sure the unit you purchase comes with the right hardware. If you find it challenging to assemble the unit, you should consider getting a hose reel cabinet.

Read Reviews

As you probably know, manufacturers of garden hose reels highlight only the pros of their products. It is advisable to dig deeper into user reviews to gather critical details about certain garden hose reels. You can gather information from blogs and forums.


You should pay attention to the quality of the garden hose reel you purchase. Remember that a quality reel will prolong the lifespan of the hose. Make sure you get a reel made of high-quality materials. When you choose a brand from a reputable brand, you can be assured of its quality.


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